Harness the power of Chat.

More than Live Chat, ChatHalla enables you to gain insights into customer’s preferences, behavior and spending habits. Harnessing the power of the digital retail revolution.

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Simple 5 step installation!

Fill the registration form

Fill your name, email, password and click continue.

Activate ChatHalla widget

Navigate to customize > Click on embedded apps section > Turn on ChatHalla's widget - Go back to shop and finish current step > Click "Verify"

Go to dashboard

Click "Continue"

Add your agents

Send invites to your sales reps to join ChatHalla

grow faster

What can we do for you.

Deliver best in class, innovative customer experiences in your virtual store across web and mobile. Increasing your conversion rate with between 9 and 16%, while increasing your stickiness with over 27%.

Know your customers!

Enhance your customer’s digital experience and track the KPIs for business. Measure performance and leverage our direct data export. 

Know what matters the most.

Transformational data insights that can power your business. Make decisions based on what your customers preferences. Leverage one single data export. Learn about reports HERE!

Based on 12 reviews
"ChatHalla helped me with tapping into the ecommerce potential of my website. I setup a store with Shopify a year ago and started using ChatHalla for engaging my customers and most of my revenue now comes from my online store"
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Sales have increased with more than 10% since we rolled our ChatHalla in April. It has been a game changer for our business and customers.
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Personal trainer
Our interaction with customers has improved greatly since we started using your application. We have been able to communicate useful information using the widget. This helps us to get mostly sales interactions in the chat. The integration with Insta is really useful in our business.
user, icon, person-2935527.jpg
Tracking customer behavior is a game changer for us. We know our customers better now and this helps us drive engagement and sales. Our experience with Chathalla has been nothing short of great.
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